Our oldest son was such a sweet, easy baby, and we were so excited to be parents. When he was around 15 months old we realized something wasn’t quite right.

When I knew we were expecting our first I knew I wanted to homeschool. I actually knew that if I was blessed to be a mom I wanted to homeschool. I am very blessed that I married a Godly man who is very supportive of the idea. There was hardly a discussion – more of a known agreement. God had really placed it on both of our hearts. We’re going to be parents! God is blessing us with this child (eventually, children), and it is our responsibility to raise them, which includes educating them. It wasn’t based on anything we knew or grew up with. Neither of us were homeschooled and didn’t know very many people who were or who were homeschooling their children. We were excited to embark on the journey of parenthood and all the responsibilities it entailed nonetheless including their spiritual guidance and education.

Our oldest son was such a sweet, easy baby, and we were so excited to be parents. When he was around 15 months old we realized something wasn’t quite right. I was almost due with our daughter when we first discovered he had a definite speech delay and the first mention came up that he might have PDD-NOS, which is high functioning on the Autism Spectrum.

Read the Full Article on Pea of Sweetness