Homeschooling on the not so fun days is rough. Sometimes it’s a grind and feels like you’re wading through knee-deep mud. These are times when you’ve been up most of the night with a sick child or are facing tremendous personal challenges with a spouse or family member. It might even look like having cabin fever after being cooped up due to bad weather or illness. Or it could be your overwhelming to-do list that seems to grow and grow and grow!

When all that instability and craziness hits, it’s tempting to consider an easier way. Look for a new curriculum, run away, or even send the kids off to school. But we’ve all been there!

On those days, it helps to redirect your thoughts and focus on why you started homeschooling in the first place. What’s at the heart of your homeschool? A special need? A safe place free from bullying? Freedom from oversight? A calling from God?

Whatever your reason, it is helpful to take a few moments to mull these reasons over in your head until they make their way back to your heart. Then, call a friend, journal, have some tea, watch a short video on homeschooling encouragement, or all of the above! Allow yourself to be refreshed and receive the motivation you need.

While it may be tempting to think that homeschooling is a burden, it really isn’t. It’s an investment. A costly investment in time and resources but one that will yield a windfall in blessings for years to come!

If you are a tired homeschool parent, we hear you! But, ultimately, you will never regret this investment you make in your children’s lives. Though the days may feel like an eternity now, generations forward will reap the benefits of this investment!

Check out these homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!