Sometimes homeschooling is the loneliest job on the planet. Long hours, no monetary rewards, no time off, and no sick days. Why would anyone sign up for such a position?

Truth is homeschooling is a calling. It is a passion. Giving your energy and pouring into the lives of your children is life giving and consuming. The homeschool mom is a remarkable woman. She can also be a lonely woman. After spending so much of her energy giving to others, many times there’s not even enough in reserve to refuel and refresh herself. If this becomes a pattern, the long term outlook is burnout. There are some things a homeschool mom in the midst of the teaching trenches can do to avoid this.

Play dates can be a wonderful way to occupy the children while the moms talk. These play dates do not have to be fancy at all! Just a safe place for the kids to play and some ice water with lemon for the moms to sip will go a long way in refilling that emotional tank.

Many homeschool moms run into the issue of when the 2nd pair of hands arrives home of either being too tired to go out with a friend or just trying to find the same availability as your friend. We homeschool moms tend to be very busy! If you do have the energy and a matching time, just a walk and a talk will do your spirit wonders! Talking over coffee or tea is another great option.

Retreats, getaways and conventions are plentiful and a wonderful way to refuel. But what do you do when finances or an unsupportive spouse make this impossible? Don’t despair! This season won’t last forever. There are small, inexpensive things you can do to replenish yourself.

There are many wise women who say to get up early for a slice of quiet. In my own experience, sleep was a precious commodity that I was severely deprived of. When the sun rose and I didn’t have to leave the house, I slept while the kids slept. I did take a few small breaks during the day. For these breaks, I’d allow a short video or a special toy to occupy my children while I had a short coffee and bible break, a shower with music playing in the bathroom, or just sat outside for a few minutes enjoying the sunshine and breeze while my kids were in a safe and secure spot. In these ways during those intense seasons of not being able to get away, I was able to have small bits of retreat without sacrificing the pocketbook, the schedule, or the sleep!

What are some of the ways you’ve found to recharge and refuel?


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