This is just a story. A story about how God has shown me so much humility and faithfulness in my life. When I was a little girl, I was VERY girly. I always had a purse with me and loved to wear dresses. I never got dirty or played with boys. I liked to have tea parties and play dolls and read books quietly. There was zero tomboy in me at all. Climbing trees? Nope, too dirty. Play in mud puddles? Nope, too dirty.

Well, fast forward a lot of years to now. I have ALL sons. They are dirt and noise and bugs and gross stuff. With my firstborn, I kept him so clean and away from bugs and dirt as much as possible. I thought it would last. Then my second son was born and out the window that all went. There wasn’t enough time to constantly keep them from dirt and bugs.

That’s when I realized that boys are just that way. They love the outdoors and being able to just play. Boys are rough and silly and a constant ball of energy. The opposite of me. But I wanted to embrace them for who they are. So, bring on the dirt and bugs and noise.

This is God’s great sense of humor. Since becoming a mother, I have handled more insects and creepy crawly things that I ever thought imaginable. I have cleaned dirt from places I didn’t know dirt could get. I have explored more parks and had more fun than I ever thought possible. That was God getting me out of my comfort zone.

My boys bring a lot of energy to our home. Most of it is positive energy and for that I am so thankful to God. I was told when I was much younger that I would never be able to have children because I had gotten cancer. The cancer was treated and has been gone for almost 20 years but the devastation would last. When I got married I knew the chances were slim. But God is bigger than any medical diagnosis. He blessed us with three little boys and I am truly blessed by them each day.

When God gave me these three boys, the humor was not lost on me. He knew exactly what He was doing. God doesn’t make mistakes or mess things up. These boys are my children for many reasons. One of them was to get me out of my comfort zone and make me aware of just how blessed I am by God.

My story isn’t special or spectacular. But, it is a funny one to me. If you know me now, you know that I embrace all things boy. Boys rule in my house and we love it.  A girl in the mix would have been so much fun, but I didn’t get to pick. Ha! I believe it’s for a very good purpose that my husband and I are raising three Godly young men in this culture and time. God has a plan for each one and I get to be their mother and witness it all. I think every parent feels this way as we watch our children grow and develop into adults who serve our Lord. My children have given me a closer relationship with God and it’s exactly His plan for me.