My family recently began searching for a new church home. Our former church had several issues and it had been building to this for about a year. After a lot of praying and seeking God’s will in the matter, it became evident that this was what needed to be done.

As we decided to move to another church, we knew we wanted it to be biblically sound and accurate. We didn’t want a watered-down Gospel or a fancy concert experience during worship. Our needs have changed over the years. We have children who sit in worship service with us and God has called us to have them with us even when children’s church is available (this is for my two older boys as my youngest still goes to children’s church).

Years ago we visited another local church for a while but decided not to continue going because my youngest son was too needy. Not a good excuse, but I was getting nothing from the services because I had to sit outside with him the whole time. He was so fussy as an infant. We began attending our former church and it felt right at the time. Fast forward five years and we find ourselves longing for the original church setting again.

So, here we are attending a church that is more traditional that we ever thought we were. We sing strictly hymns every Sunday and the service is a lot longer than we are used to. Our former church service was one hour start to finish. I love the longer service and I love singing the old hymns. Newer music definitely has a purpose and we love to listen to it but having hymns in church seems to be a thing of the past. I want my boys to know the old hymns and the history behind them.

The one thing that led to us really wanting to find a new church home was the feeling that our former church really was never our church home. I always felt out of place there. The people are nice. The music is nice. The leaders are nice. But we never really fit in. We homeschool and no one else there does. We live a very simple life. No one else does. We don’t do yoga, every one else there does.

There were many other issues that I won’t get in to because that’s not the point of this post. But, I will say that when you are looking for church home, make sure they are biblically sound and accurate. Read over their statement of beliefs. Talk to the members and ask lots of questions. Sometimes a church looks great on the outside and has serious issues on the inside.

The church we have decided to start attending regularly has been a huge blessing. I found out I have many family members that go there. There are also many homeschooling families that we know and have a relationship with. My children attend Awana there already and they feel completely comfortable with everyone. The preaching has been truly phenomenal. I’ve actually opened my Bible, marked passages, and taken notes. We also attend Sunday School and have learned a lot from the teacher. My boys enjoy their classes as well.

I say all of this to give you a glimpse into what we have dealt with in searching for a new church home. There are churches on every corner but a lot of them are preaching a watered-down Gospel that is simply an ear-tickling speech. Most churches record their sermons and post them online. We look them up before attending a particular church and test it to scripture. We’ve found that is the most helpful way to know if a church is truly seeking God and not self.

On another note, the church isn’t just a building. It is the people. As Christians, we are called to be the body of Christ. That means, we are the church. We each serve a purpose for God’s kingdom and can help spread the Gospel no matter where we are. Even if you don’t have a church home yet, you are the church and can help others in their walk with the Lord. A building is just where a group of Christians meet. But, THE church is you and me and all Christians around the world.

I pray that if you don’t already have a church home that you would find one where God is in the middle of it all. If God reigns over a particular church, you will know it by the preaching, the teaching, and the people.