How many times have we, as moms, heard that phrase? Enjoy them while they’re little! Well-meaning, seasoned moms see you and your little ones out and about and they reflect on raising their own children and they utter that phrase: Enjoy them while they’re little. Well here I am, making the same statement: Moms, enjoy your little ones!*

I am in that sweet spot of my mothering, where I have seen a bit of the breadth of mothering. I have a young adult daughter who is taking classes at the university and a two-year old daughter who is potty-training, with six children in between them! I have watched all the ages and stages of newborns, toddlers, little ones, middle ones, teens and now the start of adult years. And let me tell you, it has been a glorious adventure that passes all too quickly!! One wise person said, the days are long, but the years are short. It goes by so fast.

I know about the sleepless nights and early mornings, the melt downs, the growing pains, the juggling of schedules and more. HOWEVER, none of that overshadows the good and beautiful and worthwhile task of raising and enjoying your young children. According to the Word of God, children are a blessing, therefore, motherhood is intended to be a blessing. This blessed assignment should not be one of drudgery with a begrudging attitude. Rather, it should be received and carried out with joy and gladness. God chose you!

So when they’re little, and they want to hear the story again, or they want one more hug or they ask for another kiss—when they want to play outside in the rain or hold your hand as they skip down the block—when they need another diaper change at 2 a.m. or won’t stop crying unless you hold them—prepare your heart, mama. Prepare your heart to gladly make room for these moments and embrace them. These times will be gone all too soon, yet they mean so much. These are the small things that add up to be the big things to our children when they are adults.

So, hold them a little longer. Read the story one more time. Play and laugh again and again. These are the blessed days of repetition, of doing things over and over, of teaching and training the same truths day in and day out, of routine upon routine. I call this season the planting years, where seeds are sown and watered. The years where the garden is tended and the weeds are removed. It is hard work, absolutely. But hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy, and hard doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the people on the journey. Remember: a harvest is coming.

So, yes, there will be boring days, and yes, there will be hard days, and you definitely will have days when everyone will cry. That is normal; that is a part of the human experience, no matter what it is we’re doing. Those moments, however, do not define motherhood. Dear mothers, ask yourselves, what is your heart’s disposition about your children? Are you eager to push them away? Are you counting their days down until adulthood? Do you just want them out of your hair?

Consider the love of our Heavenly Father. He delights in His children, drawing us in, pouring Himself out for us, lovingly correcting us, always wanting us close to His heart. We should be the same, ladies. Let’s joyfully love our children and enjoy these tender years with them. What a joy it will be to reflect upon these years fondly because you enjoyed your children, rather than with resentment or regret. Cultivate an attitude of joy and patience, of love and gladness. These days are precious.

*Enjoying your children while they are little does not mean that they can’t be enjoyed while they are older (i.e. teens, adults). A follow up post on this topic is forthcoming!

In what ways are you enjoying being the mother of little ones? What encouragement can you offer to other mothers who are struggling with joy?