In Ecclesiastes 3, the Bible says, “To everything there is a season.” But, do YOU know the season you are in and is that where God wants you?

A few weeks ago, I had a huge wake up call. I realized that the grace and anointing that was present when I first started as coordinator for our homeschooling group had changed dramatically.

It was a very humbling experience admitting I was not super mom. I am fortunate to be surrounded by caring, prayerful ladies and a very understanding co-coordinator who all helped to move the group and myself into the right place, for THIS season.

And, it went something like this:

While we were making medieval shields I thought about how nice it would be to do these neat hands-on things in a co-op setting. Realizing that there isn’t really a co-op to do this in, I thought about what it would take to set one up. Then realizing that it’s not something I can really do at this time, but, maybe in the future.

Then it hit me. I’ve been in this pattern of being overwhelmed and thinking “maybe next month things will be easier”,”maybe in a few months things will be better” since baby number 4 was born.

In short, having baby 4 has really thrown me for a loop. I have so many friends with huge families who have told me that “if you can do three, you can do more”. So, I’ve just been hanging in there thinking that this fourth small human is a piece of cake and I just need to suck it up and keep moving….when in reality, he’s an absolute tornado!

I think part of the “problem” is that there’s such a big age gap between children 3 and 4. While I’m not having to dress more than one, chase more than one, change more than one I am having to deal and minister to a greater range and need. It’s exhausting!!!

While all of this has been going on, I know I’ve neglected our homeschooling group . I know no one is condemning me. But, I feel guilty that I’m not able to give my all in THIS SEASON. When I try to get my feet up under myself and plan something, it just goes haywire. I’m struggling enough to just get my own family out the door…it seems like an insurmountable task to plan for a group outing. So, life happily happens for us mostly at home these days.

After having some time to pray, mull it over and receive wise council, it’s a general consensus that life is just really busy for most right now. There are a lot of great homeschooling ‘things’ to do in our area t hat many of us are taking advantage of this. The demographics of the group have also greatly changed since I first started with the addition of many babies. And, babies in general require a period of adjustment and much loving craziness to go with it.

By loosening some of the ‘requirements’ and letting go of what I thought the group needed, in favor of what God wants the group to be, will ensure a survivable solution for everyone.

Of course, this season won’t last forever and before I know it, the next season will begin.

Check out some great bible study curricula at Rainbow Resource!