Dear Homeschool Mom,

Are you feeling squeezed from all sides? Pressure to teach the kids, keep the house clean, prepare all the meals, drive here and there? Pressure to be healthy, maintain a good relationship with your husband, and have social activities?

You’re not alone!

The Bible says, “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.” 2 Cor 4:8

Consider the diamond. In order to become the hardest substance on earth, pure carbon undergoes extreme pressure and hot temperatures over a long period of time. Think about it, carbon, which looks plain and uninviting, has to endure long periods of this uncomfortable state deep within the earth before it yields a beautiful, strong diamond. Diamonds are dazzling and they are also unbreakable. They’re so tough that they’re used in tools for cutting, drilling, and grinding.

In a dark place, under a lot of pressure, stress and heat, a diamond, beautiful and unbreakable forms. Maybe you’re in this dark place. Maybe you’re in a season of intense pressure and stress. Perhaps the Lord is using this time to transform you into something beautiful and unbreakable. When you feel as if you’re being pressed in on every side by trouble, don’t give up. God is good and won’t let you be crushed! It’s in these times that He is making you stronger. He is also teaching you to depend solely on Him. Even when the going is difficult, trust Him. He is faithful to make you into something beautiful and unbreakable. To transform your faith in Him and conform you into the image of Jesus. Strong and unbreakable!

During this season of intense pressure, rejoice! The God who sits on high sees you and is working all things for your good. He loves you enough to transform you into a rare beauty, a diamond!

Check out other devotionals at Rainbow Resource Center!