So, let’s just face it. . . the year 2020 came with one blind-side after another. So much death and despair, so many adjustments and new routines.  All the don’t dos and can’t dos, the fears and the prayers.  But. . . Ladies, never lose sight!    As believers in Jesus Christ, we have direct access to God Most High.  He hears our prayers, so we can remain hopeful.

Which brings me to the point of this post: Gratitude.  It’s not something that comes naturally and it’s not always easy to show it.  However, we must remember that as wives and mothers, we have been given the home as our domain—we are the heart of the home.  We set the tone in all our dwelling spaces, pandemic or not, it rests with us to be homemakers.

One way we transform our houses into homes is with our attitudes.  Insert gratitude.  What things do we have to be thankful for?  What things do we NOT have that we can be thankful for?  What gifts has God given to us each day, if we just pause long enough to consider His hand?

When we start our days with a grateful heart and an intentional mindset–one bent on finding the good–then we set the tone for our homes.  We can share the goodness of the day with our children and our husbands, helping them to see all the gifts the day holds.  Rather than complaining or bemoaning all of the bad, focus on the gifts, one at a time.


For starters:

Life, sound mind, healthy body.

Food, water, clothing, shelter.

Sunny skies, rainy days, moonlight.

Cooler weather, autumn colors, falling leaves.

A husband’s huge laugh, a child’s sweet embrace, family.

The ever-present love of God.


This is pretty much my gratitude starter list.  When I need to replace the complaints that form in my mind, threatening to escape from my lips, I start with the basics.  This is something we can impress upon the hearts of our children, leading by our own example.


Now, a few thoughts from Scripture:

Now godliness with contentment is great gain.

For we brought nothing into this world,

and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 

And having food and clothing, 

with these we shall be content. 

-1 Timothy 6:6-8