This year (2020) has been one of the most challenging years for the world. Not only have we dealt with the covid-19 pandemic and the civil unrest in our nation, we’ve also had some family health issues that are serious. These times have felt very uncertain and a little scary at times. But, as a Christian, I can be content knowing that God is still in control and still on the throne.

Contentment doesn’t just mean being okay with the world or okay with staying at home more often. It also means contentment of soul and spirit. If we are constantly feeling anxious or fearful, our soul and spirit are not at rest with the Lord. He tells us that He will give rest to all who come to Him (Matt. 11:28). But the verse goes on to say more: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:29-30)

God will give us rest and contentment in our hearts IF we take His yoke upon us. That means that we submit ourselves to Him every day in every way. Reading the Bible daily, praying, and meditating on scripture helps us to know God more. We can’t submit to Him and know His will for us if we don’t know Him. His rest and contentment is well worth the time to put in getting to know Him.

In a world that is full of uncertainty and unrest, we can find rest and certainty and contentment in the Lord. My family has been focusing on praying for others during this time. We are working on being fulfilled by God’s Word and the little things in life like baking a cake for someone in need or calling a friend we haven’t seen in a while. We’ve also been memorizing scripture.

No matter what’s going on around us or what’s happening in the world, we can find real contentment and joy and satisfaction in knowing that the Lord is with us and still reigns in heaven. Teaching my children to not be fearful throughout all of the things going on around us has been challenging but not unattainable. All three of my boys have been at ease throughout all of the current events this year. That is God

The world is groaning under the weight of sin and turmoil but we can rest assured that God has not left us or abandoned us. Keeping our minds clear of sin and turbulence can help us to be more at peace and satisfied no matter what the world is undergoing. God’s grace and mercy and love is enough for us. It won’t be easy to live a contented life, but it is worth it.