I have three sons ranging in age from ten to five. They all want to help with things around the house in some way (there are days I have to fight them but it’s fine for the most part). It never occured to me to have my oldest son help my youngest and middle sons with their school work or chores.

So, I recently implemented a new idea in our home. My oldest son assists the younger two when needed if I am busy. The middle son can assist the youngest. When really needed the youngest two can assist the oldest. I want them to be helpers to one another. You may be thinking I should have had this going all along. I have but this is a little different.

One example of the type of assistance I am talking about it school work. My youngest son likes to write his name. His name has nine letters so he can’t quite do it from memory yet. So, if I am busy helping my middle son, my oldest writes the youngest’s name for him to copy. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing to write it out and my oldest gets experience teaching someone a new skill.

Another example is chores. My oldest is assigned to unload the dishwasher each morning right after breakfast. My youngest finishes his chore pretty quickly and he assists my oldest in unloading. My youngest also helps in making the other boy’s beds. Honestly, he kind of hates waiting for them so he does things to help out to move things along.

I started this journey with my oldest in mind. He is getting older and I want him to start helping others on his own without me reminding him. I have seen a change in the last few weeks. He will see me doing a reading lesson with my middle son and when the youngest needs something, he goes over to help. I have only had to ask him to help a few times. He has started to notice what needs to be done to help me, and just does it.

I didn’t begin this with the idea of serving others in mind. But, as we have progressed I have seen my boys serving one another. It is a wonderful example of God’s love for us. He said to “love one another as I have loved you”. That’s exactly what I want for my boys.