Homeschooling has become very popular! In recent years there has been an explosion in learning opportunities and curricula. There are so many advantages to homeschooling over choosing a public or private school. But, financially speaking, is homeschooling right for your family? Let’s have a look.



From year to year, curriculum will most likely be the biggest expense. Prices run wildly from free to thousands of dollars, depending on what you choose. Homeschooling using a free curriculum online is possible if you are willing to put a little time into its scheduling. As a general rule of thumb, it’s easier to go cheaper on a curriculum for the earlier grades than high school. You can save by using free tutorials found on YouTube or Khan Academy. Borrow curriculum from friends or co-op members. Or even buy used from curriculum sales, eBay or Amazon.


Supplies and Miscellaneous

Fortunately, back-to-school time is a wonderful time to get everything you need at a fraction of what your public and private school counterparts will spend since you won’t be spending on multiple binders, special crayons, or miscellaneous classroom supplies. Also gone is the pressure to buy an expensive, up-to-the-minute fashionable wardrobe or pricey uniforms. While overspending can occur on things like enrichment studies or microscopes, setting a budget for yourself at the beginning of the year can go a long way towards not overspending.


Field Trips

In my opinion, fields trips are the biggest thing that sets homeschooling apart! Why read about it when you can do it?! These excursions can become pricey if you aren’t careful. But looking to get in on group discounts or searching online for great deals will help ensure that you don’t overspend on this area.


Extracurricular Activities

Another bonus to homeschooling – allowing children to follow their passions! But what if their passions are pricey? Try to look for community classes that are often free, co-oping with other families to lower the costs, getting in on a group rate for a particular extracurricular activity, or participating in a 4H club.

Homeschooling doesn’t have to cost a fortune. However, depending on how you budget yourself, you may find yourself spending more than you would if your kids were in public school but less than a private school. Plus, you are in total control of the quality of your child’s education, which for many outweighs the expenses.


Check out a wide variety of homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!