Mom, you run hard during the school year.  This year, you ran the hardest of all!  Whether you continue to school through the summer or stop until the fall, it’s imperative you schedule some mandatory rest for yourself!

First things first.  Make a list of all the things you haven’t done for yourself this year.  Doctor, dentist and eye appointments are usually the last things we do for ourselves.  Next, note the things that while aren’t imperative to physical health, are still important.  Haircuts, coffee dates with friends, important errands that have been put off.

Now that you have that out of your head and down on paper, put that list aside.  Start a second list.  This one lists necessities in keeping you healthy.  Decide where you fall in each category and write how you can improve.

First and foremost on this list is sleep!  Most moms do not get enough!  If you are not getting at least 7 hours, decide what you can do to change that.  Do you need to delegate some chores?  Can you call in extra help?  Do not sell yourself short on the importance of shut eye as it helps us emotionally and physically!  Do everything you can to make sure you are getting enough quality sleep!

Nutrition.  How are your eating habits?  Are you eating tons of sugar and junk food?  Can you cut back on the junk bit by bit while adding in fresh fruits, veggies, and unprocessed meat?  How much water are you drinking a day?  Can you cut back on sugary drinks bit by bit while increasing the amount of water you drink?  If you need back up to help, you could try to do this as a household instead of solo?

Fun.  Are you having any fun?  Do you have a hobby?  Is there something you’d like to try?  If you’re like me, you don’t really have a hobby persay.  And, don’t have the funds for anything that requires oodles of materials or equipment.  I have an interest in art, but, no talent.  Youtube tutorials are free and so are my children’s art supplies.  I’ve challenged myself to try at least one art project a week.  I usually make more, but, having the goal of one project is absolutely doable.  Many tutorials are basic and can help even the unskilled artist!

Sun.  The sun gives us many benefits.  Vitamin D and lifts our spirits.  You don’t have to bake like a raisin!  Just 10-20 minutes a day is good for our bodies.

Last but certainly not least, feeding your spirit.  Are you getting quiet time with the Lord everyday?  Depending on your season of life, this could be anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour.  The main thing is getting it!  It’s difficult to fill other people’s cups if yours is empty!

So if your answers include lack in any area, it’s time to discuss it with your spouse and  enlist your family’s assistance.  I hear from many moms that they put themselves last in the area of self care, and they suffer.  In turn, the family does not understand or see the needs of mom and do not give help where help is due!  Remember Mom, you are an important part of the family unit!  Without proper maintenance, the family can not function as a full and healthy unit!

Mom, use this time to evaluate and make a plan.   Don’t forget that breaks are for you too! Consider what isn’t working and make healthy changes.  Let’s all make the goal of starting the next school year refreshed, focused, and healthy!