The Bible is an important part of my family’s life as it is the foundation of our faith in God. So, naturally, it is important in our homeschooling as well. While we do have a more in-depth, sincere Bible study time each day, I also wanted to incorporate a little fun in our Bible learning as well. I think taking the Bible seriously is an important thing to teach my kids. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t sprinkle a little fun in there to cultivate a love of learning God’s word. Here are a few things we do.

Bible Study Fun

“A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.”
– Psalm 17:22

Scripture Drawings

Sounds easy enough right? Well, this is a bit of a challenge because it uses some creativity. Exactly how do you show that we should have no other gods before Him? Or that we should not take the Name of the Lord in vain? (Exodus 20:3, 7) It has been fun seeing some of the things my kids have come up with. Some of their drawings have been very literal and others have been very abstract, but both lots of fun.

Bible Books

There isn’t anything fancy or brand new here. Kids have been learning the books of the Bible for ages! Still, there is just something cool about knowing and reciting all 66 books and where to find those books without using the table of contents. It brings back childhood memories for both my husband and me, and so it’s another family fun idea. We’ve taken the Bible books in chunks, about five or so at a time, and just add to them as we learn them. We’re not in a race and there isn’t some special prize at the end. What gets my kids going is that they get to quiz me! They keep me on my toes!

Bible Flip

Now this one is a race. I’ll call out a verse from one of the Bible books that we’re learning, and my kids have to try to get there as fast as they can. The first one to get to the passage has to recite it out loud. We do this just a few times per week and boy do they get a kick out of it. My little ones who do not read yet, pretend to find the verse before the older kids do. We’ve had ties and we’ve had blow-outs, and we’ve had people reading the wrong Scripture. (Bonus: sharpening listening skills!) We keep it light-hearted and we laugh about it. You know your kids enjoy this activity when they ask, “Mommy are going to do Bible flip today?” And if I respond with a, “No, not today,” I get an, “Aww!” in return. 

Bible Movies/Series

There’s nothing like seeing the best compilation of history ever being played out before your eyes. My children absolutely love to watch Bible movies, whether cartoons or real actors. As their understanding of God’s word matures, what we’ve been doing is critiquing the show based on Biblical accuracy vs. embellishment for the movie’s sake. The last ones we watched were The Prince of Egypt and The Passion of the Christ. It was interesting to hear their take on things and a few times we even paused the movies to consult the Scriptures if we weren’t sure.

These are a few ways we enjoy learning about the Bible. How does your family make Bible learning fun? Comment below!