It is that time of year again at my house!! Homeschool books are being delivered every other day or so and decluttering of the schoolroom is in full effect. Amidst all of the new pencils and planning pages, there is a little buzz of excitement as we head into the next homeschooling year.

A new year calls for a bit of fun and family traditions, right? Traditions help to mark the occasion and solidify memories in your family’s heart for years to come. Back to homeschool traditions are a great way to ease back into the swing of things after the summer break. Here are a few ways to keep the beginning of the school year special.


Of course!! Every first day of homeschool, I gather my sweet children together to take a family picture, as well as individual pictures. It’s always nice to look back on the previous years to see how much they’ve grown. In years past, we’d gather around the big tree in the front yard, or pile up on the staircase. Sometimes we’d take pictures in front of the front door. In the children’s individual pictures, I may have them hold up a small white board, indicating what grade they’re in. This definitely marks the new school year for our family and everyone knows to expect it first thing after breakfast.

A Special Treat

This doesn’t have to be elaborate, just yummy! Whether it’s something homemade or something you grabbed at the store, think about a snack your children would enjoy. Things like cookies, brownies, or a favorite piece of candy work well. Hand it out during read aloud time or surprise them by leaving the treat nearby as they complete independent work. If my husband is off from work, he’s been known to pick up a few dozen donuts and the children always love that. Don’t forget to grab one or two for yourself, too, mamas!

Field Trip

Yep, that’s right, start off with a field trip. Non-homeschooling families are likely back in school now which means all the fun stops are less crowded than they were over the summer. Go to a museum, or tour the fire station or the post office. Go to a nature center or the zoo. Maybe you catch a movie or play at the park or meet up with friends for lunch. Keep it simple and head over to the library. Whatever you decide, get out and enjoy!

Plant Something

What about planting a small tree or rose bush to celebrate? Then each year you can check its growth right alongside your children’s.. Maybe you simply plant a few flowers and watch them grow for the rest of the season. Children love digging in the dirt and how sweet it would be to have your own tree or plant for your homeschool.

Don’t Do Everything at Once

This one is for the mamas! At the start of the new year, we are raring to get started with our lesson plans and schedules laid out beautifully in our new homeschool planners. Before you dive  into a new routine, consider easing in instead.

One way we do this is to begin our first day on a Wednesday or Thursday instead of Monday morning. This gives me 2 or 3 days to walk through schedules and weekly goals, particularly with my older children. It also allows for the much needed grace that should accompany any academic expectations after months of summer break.

The other way we ease back into homeschooling is by not doing all the subjects the first day (or week, for that matter). We start with math and language arts for a few days before adding in science and history. Then we’ll gradually work in things like art, music and foreign language. My children have come to expect and appreciate this slower start and it keeps me from starting off overwhelmed.

What back to homeschool traditions does your family keep?

Happy schooling!