Journals, journals, journals!

Just about anywhere you look, you can find a journal.  Journals for devotions, Bible journals, art journals, dream journals, weight loss journals, gratitude journals, and more!

Besides being a fad, journaling can be very beneficial to add to your homeschool!  It’s a way for kids to learn how to express themselves on paper and serve as a log of events they can look back upon years later.

To start journaling, you don’t need much.  For about $1.00, you can teach your children how to journal.  It can be as inexpensive as a pencil and a notebook.

Once you obtain your writing utensil and paper, you are ready to begin!  Whether you lead by example or take up this practice yourself,  choose the time of day that works best for your household. Most people like to do it first thing in the morning.  This helps to clear out the cobwebs and set the tone for the day.   In some households, journaling before bed or lunch works best.  Fortunately, there is no right or wrong time!

Another fantastic benefit to journaling is that it’s a great place to store prayer requests and thoughts running around in your head. It is especially faith-building to read back over the journal entries to see the answered prayer requests and see “the goodness of God in the land of the living”!

If you want to make your journal entries more writing-based, that’s ok too!  Additional writing prompts can include: writing about what you did today, writing about what’s making you stressed or sad, writing about homeschooling or political issues, or writing about decisions you need to make in the future.

Journaling definitely helps to get the thoughts out of your head and onto paper. This is a great tool to teach your children as they grow and enter the real world.  The insights you have on one day may be the key to unlock a problem on another day! You just never know how valuable journaling is until you start to feel relief from stress or answer to a question you never considered before!

Teach this valuable tool to your children!  Encourage them to write in their own journals at an appointed time each day. If you want, you can give them a scripture for the day, a topic, or allow them to write what is on their hearts. As a parent, you are teaching them a valuable skill when life is overwhelming, or they need to be reminded of answered prayers!


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