Dear Future Lisa:

I know this is going to sound incredibly crazy, but, late in 2019 you will see the beginnings of a global pandemic.  Being tied to the Asian community, you will see it rise and move over the continent.  Families you love will have their lives drastically upended. You will also see that even though the pace of life slows, the family unit begins to blend and knit closer than ever before.  Parents and children are living, breathing, and thriving in this new environment.

As you’ve had a front seat to it, you know it’s on the way to you.  First and foremost, rely on God.  He is your provision and provider.  Now is the time to hone your children’s quiet time with the Lord and corporate time of worship.  Schooling will become secondary to this relationship.

Secondly, as you rely on God, be ready to stand in the gap for your children as fear will sometimes overtake them.  At times they will question what they hear on the news versus God’s promises for them.  They are relying on you to maintain calm in the midst of the storm.  Schooling is secondary to your relationship with your children.

And lastly, regarding homeschooling itself.  The public and private schools will shut down.  I’m not kidding!  The masses will begin “quarantine schooling”.  Schools will scramble to move learning online.  Teachers all over the country will learn by fire how to conduct learning, maintain contact, and support their students in this uncharted manner.   As this begins to happen, be a light to those parents around you experiencing distance learning for the first time.  Offer help when you can and never belittle their situation.  Assure them they are uniquely qualified and gifted by their Creator to instruct their children.

As for your own homeschooling, relax.  Each day is filled with challenges.  Some days will go close to normal.  Some days will be completely off schedule.  It’s ok.  Your children aren’t going to regress.  Love them.  Communicate with them.  Pray often.  Have fun times.   Soon this will be over and you will return to a different normal.  Whatever happens, your children will never forget this time or the care you put into making sure they are loved and cared for.

Lisa (the voice of experience)

I hope this letter speaks to those who are feeling that they aren’t keeping up or their kids will regress.  Kids are resilient!  To the best of your ability, love them, listen to them, and assure them this isn’t going to last forever.

Check out these great resources from Rainbow Resource Center!