Having all boys has its ups and downs. There are highs and lows of each day and sometimes I wonder why God gave me all boys. But, a while ago I came to have peace about what God has blessed me with.

I grew up very “girly”. I loved everything pink and pretty and sweet. I always dreamed of having a little girl to share these things with. Ha! God had a different plan. It consists dirt, smells, loud noises, and lots of outdoor time. All of which I have become used to.

My boys have lots and lots of energy. It seems never-ending. But over the years I have learned how to help them use it wisely. We go outside every single day that we are able. In winter, it’s harder to spend much time outside. In spring, summer, and fall, we stay outside as much as possible. This helps my boys to use their energy out of doors.

They also have lots of dirt all the time. They get dirty without even going outside sometimes. I am befuddled about where the dirt has come from and how it got all over them. But, with some good laundry soap, I can usually get rid of it.

Another thing I was not used to is the constant chatter from my boys. They can talk your ear off. The stories they tell and the ideas they come up with. They want your complete attention as they tell their tales nd dream their dreams. I have learned how to listen to them for a long period of time while also completing other tasks. Otherwise, nothing would get done except chatter.

As a little girl, I loved to sit and read and play quietly. These boys are the complete opposite. They love reading but not for long periods of time. They also love for me to read to them more than anything. The playing quietly never happens. If it’s quiet, something bad is probably happening. They aren’t naughty, they are just loud and energetic all the time.

The amount of food they consume is absolutely insane. Three boys can devour a fridge full of food in no time. We don’t allow them to do so but if they were given the opportunity, they would clear out the pantry and fridge. It’s like they all have a hollow leg. They can eat a full meal and within an hour be starving again. I guess they saying is true about boys eating you out of house and home!

Although there is lots of noise, dirt, and energy, it’s changed my life for the better. We do so much as a family. The boys have taught me to live outside of the four walls of my home. They have taught me to get outside and enjoy God’s beautiful creation. We have explored, hiked, and biked. We stay outside and I have learned to truly appreciate the great outdoors. I still love curling up with a good book. But, I’ve also learned to listen to audio books while sitting on the porch watching my boys play basketball or ride bikes.

I had different plans and dreams for my life. I’m very glad that God had these boys planned just for me. They have made me laugh til I cry and get out of my comfort zone. I am truly blessed to be a boymom.