The staying power of a homeschool schedule cannot be underestimated for the organized homeschooler. It does take time and self-discipline though to stick to a schedule. You are not alone in your struggle to make it all fit in a day.

The staying power of a homeschool schedule cannot be underestimated for the organized homeschooler. It does take time and self-discipline though to stick to a schedule.

Too, I have a bit of trepidation in sharing about this topic. It has been my experience that homeschoolers obsess worry about this topic more so than some other homeschooling issues. Deep down they truly care how to fit everything in a day, maintain their sanity and identity and strive to make the homeschool journey a memorable one for the right reasons. Sometimes they feel isolated because they think other homeschoolers manage their schedules better.

Doing what I love to do and sharing with you just two points that help me to organize and what sometimes {not always} comes easier for me, I hope to give you a gentle sweet nudge in the right direction. You are not alone in your struggle to make it all fit in a day.

Read the Full Article on Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus