Can you believe it?  The days are getting longer and summer is looming!  Hurrah!  It’s never too early to start brainstorming and planning!  Homeschoolers all over the world are considering their options for the hottest months of the year.  While the thought of lounging around and endless days of laziness are somewhat appealing, there are some things to consider when planning your summer.

To school or not to school?  Will your children become bored to the point of being disruptive or counterproductive?  Are you ready to deal with the strong possibility of intellectual slide during these academically off months?

If year round schooling isn’t your thing, at least try keeping up with reading and math throughout the summer.  This way, your child will avoid forgetting what they’ve learned over the school year.  Keeping them moving forward, even at a slower pace, is better than spending 6 weeks of review at the beginning of your new school year.  Having an abbreviated school schedule will also help your kids maintain their schedule and prevent your household from sliding into boredom and possibly chaos.

Maintaining a light schedule during the summer months is also a great way to finish though projects that got put aside during the busy school year or start new ones.  How about mini-lessons in a new craft or trade?  Now is also a great time to learn new chores or continue practicing for improvement with a musical instrument or sports ability.  How about incorporating community or neighborhood outreaches to your family’s schedule.

Grab your calendars, set aside time for some rest and relaxation plus travel plans.  Then incorporate some of those “I wish we had time to do this” learning experiences into your summer months.  Throw in some reading and math, and you’ve got the recipe for a great summer!