Sunshine, warmer temperatures, swimming, ice cream, and no school!  It’s the perfect way to spend two months out of the year!  So how do you switch gears to get back into the learning groove?  For the best outcome, without fighting and tears, slow and sure wins the restart race!

First, consider your starting date.  Make a plan to begin your start date sooner rather than later.  We all know that unforeseen emergencies and detours can and do spring up.  By planning to start your school year a bit earlier on the calendar, you’ve built in an emergency buffer.

Let’s address that first wake up of the new school year.  Don’t expect to set the alarm for first light if you’ve been sleeping in without a specific wake up time for weeks and expect to see smiling faces and willing students!  Work on making your bedtimes and wake up times earlier the week before your actual start for the best results.

Speaking of starts, remember that breakfast is the most important meal.  And especially on the first day!  Though cereal, sweet treats and the like are fast and easy, you’ll quickly lose momentum after the sugar rush wears off!  Plan an unhurried  balanced meal with some protein.

Finally, onto the actual schooling!  The excitement to start all the things and use all that great curriculum you’ve bought is a rush every homeschool mom feels!  To set your household up for success, choose not to cram all subjects into an overwhelming, all or nothing, grand slam first day!  Instead, choose a devotional, some reading and math to start with.  Keep learning to just a few subjects for the first couple of days and then add to your schedule.  Remember, attitude goes a long way!  A good start will help you keep your momentum.

Once your family’s school day includes all subjects, remember to build in enough time for those teachable moments and rabbit trails on your schedule.  The younger your crew, the more unscheduled time you will need to build into your schooling.

With a little bit of planning, getting off to a good start is easy.  Keep in mind to pace yourself.  Homeschooling is a marathon, not a race!  Most of all, remember why you started homeschooling!