For a lot of homeschoolers, convention season is upon us. It’s one of my favorite events all year. My husband doesn’t care to go (I know, I know…he’s missing out). He stays home with the kiddos so I can have a weekend alone (it’s within driving distance so no hotel needed, just a car). It’s such a blessing to attend a homeschool convention with its amazing speakers, vendors, and exhibits.

As I begin to prepare to attend my state’s homeschool convention, I have to remember a few things first. I like to have a checklist of things so I don’t forget something. I have gone for many years now and the first few were rough without my checklist. I am sharing it with you today in hopes that you will have an enjoyable time at your homeschool convention of choice.

Homeschool Convention Checklist:

  1. Set a budget and stick to it- this is so important. I didn’t set a budget one year and it was awful. I spent so much money and didn’t even need half the stuff. We don’t have a ton of money to waste so I felt terrible. Now, I set a budget and bring cash. When the cash is gone, I can’t purchase anything else. But, make sure to have some “play” money. That’s money to use on fun stuff that isn’t planned. Trust me, there will be plenty!
  2. Bring a rolling cart- I made the mistake of only having a backpack one year. Ouch! My back and shoulders hurt for weeks after. I have a huge rolling bag that is taller and can carry many items. It carries everything including snacks, wallet, water, keys, and phone.
  3. Pack snacks and water- food can be so pricey at the homeschool convention venues. I like to pack a quick lunch, snacks, and several bottles of water. It has saved so much money and time waiting in line for food.
  4. Bring a sweater- yes, even though the convention is in the middle of June, I still pack a sweater and dress in layers. Some of the rooms where they have speakers and demonstrations can be freezing cold and some are very hot. Dressing in layers allows you to stay comfortable.
  5. Bring a phone charger- my phone dies very quickly in those huge buildings where the conventions are held. I charge my phone while I eat lunch or take a break.
  6. Make a list ahead of time of items you want to check out- this allows you to make sure you see the items you may want to use in your homeschool. I usually have about five or six booths I need to visit. The rest is free time to peruse the different vendors.
  7. Bring a friend- it’s so much more fun with a friend. I have one friend that I love going with. She and I have very similar taste when it comes to homeschooling. We go to the same speakers and exhibits. We eat lunch together. We laugh together. It’s a lot of fun. If you don’t have a friend who can attend with you, bring your mom or sister or cousin.

Whether this is your 20th year attending a homeschool convention or your first, just keep these ideas in mind when preparing to go. If you go in with a good start, you are sure to stay on the right track and not get detoured by the flashy covers of new books or the sweet music of a new CD. It’s hard, but it can be done.