Every New Year I like to look back on the previous year and evaluate a few things. Were there things that went amazing? Were there things that were failures? Were there things I would do totally different?

I like to grab a notebook and write down some of my favorite memories. I smile at each sweet memory. On this same note, I write down some successes I’ve had. For instance, did I read my Bible as often as I wanted to? Did I complete a successful year of homeschooling? If so, I write that down.

As I’m writing all the good and wonderful things of the previous year, I reflect on the things that didn’t work. These things are what refine me as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. Did I spend enough time with those I love? Did I give God enough of me? Did I trust Him to provide?

I want to make the most of each year but we will all have things that don’t work out. That’s why leaving those negative things in the old year and looking ahead to a New Year is a wonderful thing. If you didn’t get enough Bible reading done in 2018, 2019 is a New Year and you can make new goals. You can also evaluate why you didn’t read it as much and adjust your life accordingly.

Taking a look at the things that didn’t work helps us become better people. Remember in Lamentations God tells us “His mercies are new each morning”. He gave us a new day, a new week, and new month, and a new year for a reason. He doesn’t want us dwelling on all of our failures. He wants to give us hope. Hope that our next moment will be better. Hope that He will never leave us.

In 2018 I had a lot of physical and emotional issues shake me to the core. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and another pain issue (I already suffer from chronic pain). I don’t let those things define me but it has left me feeling depleted and pitiful. It’s not a good place to be.

I want 2019 to be a better year so I am taking action to make it better. I have a support system for my anxiety and medicine for the pain. I am also going to start seeing a chiropractor. I’ve tried so many other things and I am trusting God to do a good work in my body and spirit.

In order to make the most of the New Year, figure out what you want to leave in the old year. It may be a toxic relationship, a curriculum that doesn’t work, a job that you just don’t care for, emotional anxiety, or carbs. Sit down and write out what you want 2019 to look like and go from there. Don’t bring negative things into your fresh start. I am going to do this myself and pray daily that the Lord will provide for my physical and emotional needs. He is able!