We’re now well into the spring semester, but definitely in that “cabin fever” phase. We can see the end in sight, but day to day, we feel like we are slogging through. The motivation is lacking with either you and/or your children. This is when it becomes important to be aware of not only your strengths but also your weaknesses. This will help you finish the semester strong and keep your school days running smoothly.
What do I mean by knowing your strengths and weaknesses? What are some great qualities you have and what are some of your struggles? For example, maybe you are really good at finishing things. You are great at scheduling. You love to cook and do things for others. These are wonderful strengths! However, maybe you are also a night owl and do not like to get started early in the day, but your kids are ready to go bright and early. You might second guess your teaching ability. Or it might be 3:00 in the afternoon and you have no idea what to do for dinner. Taking some time to self-evaluate and write down your strengths and weaknesses will help you make some changes that will set you and your family up for success.
When you have a fair evaluation, you can make some changes to support a schedule that will help you flourish in your homeschool. Admitting your weaknesses is not always easy; however, knowing them will help you firm up your strengths so you can move forward in a positive way and have a solid finish to your school year. These are just a few ideas to help rectify common struggles:
Be consistent with your start time. Starting school at the same time every day help you and your kids adhere to a nice routine and your children learn to know the expectations. This might entail getting on a better bedtime schedule to get an earlier start to the day. It might also mean saying no to certain activities that will keep your family up later than usual.
Make a meal plan. Coming up with a meal plan (at least a week at a time) stops the stress of scrambling to find something for dinner at the last minute. It also saves money when you have a list you bring to the grocery store and keeps you from making several trips during the week.
Be confident in your teaching ability. It is very typical for a lot of moms to second guess their ability to teach their kids. You know your children better than anyone and are certainly capable of home educating. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on you and your children’s specific abilities and needs. Remember to teach to mastery instead of just getting through the subject to check it off the list. Celebrate the successes no matter how small.
Get organized. Having a schedule or planner will help you feel more confident. Find a system that works best for you and set aside time each week to plan. This will help you and your children stay on track. Keep your curriculum and school supplies organized and easy to access so you won’t waste time searching for something misplaced.
Being cognizant of your strengths and working through your struggles allow you to maximize your full potential. It helps you become more sensitive to your children that have different strengths/weaknesses. It also might allow you to use your strengths to help others. ~ Gina