I know most of you have just finished the last school year and haven’t even fully immersed yourself in summer vacation yet. For that matter, many of you may still be working to wrap up your school year. However, I often have people ask me about year round homeschooling and, well, now is the time to start planning for it if you’re not already year round homeschoolers

I should probably first offer the disclaimer that although we’ve successfully homeschooled year round for several years now and love it and often sing the praises of the benefits of year round homeschooling, for the first time in many years, my kids have already started talking about wanting a longer summer break this year.

Because they are both working independently now, I told them both that I would work up some schedule ideas to make that happen. (Because if they still needed my daily involvement, there would be no way I’d be willing to give up my week break every six weeks! We’ll see if they’re really willing to give up theirs.)

Regardless of what we end up doing next year, I want to offer you my tried-and-true tips on how to plan for year round homeschooling.

Read the rest of the article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers