Let’s face it; homeschooling is a full-time job! Add to it all the other responsibilities, and it can all be overwhelming. However, with a bit of creativity and time management, it can be done. The key to managing your time, I believe, is finding a routine that works for you and your household.

As a homeschool mom, part of your job is to ensure schooling gets done. To do this, make sure that schooling is on your schedule daily. Homeschooling is a priority, and it needs to be treated as such.

Fortunately, there’s no right and wrong time to have school. Just make sure you have it.

One of the biggest mistakes homeschool moms make is thinking they have to do it all independently. You don’t have to! If your children are at least elementary school-aged, then you have helpers! Or at least helpers in training! Your first order of business is to begin training your children with appropriate chores if they don’t know how already. Consider routine cleaning to happen in zones where each area of the house gets a thorough cleaning on a specific day of the week.

Next, look at your routine. Take a good look at how your days usually flow. Even the most unplanned households have some routines already in place. Routines help to facilitate order, and in turn, order helps the homeschool mom feel less overwhelmed.

And don’t forget grace. Lots of it. For yourself and your household! Rome wasn’t conquered in a day, and the perfect schedule and routine won’t magically create itself at the snap of your fingers. Make room for tweaking and changing your plan, and you find the best routine for your household.

As you work through your schooling and home schedule, don’t beat yourself up if your time management isn’t perfect. Make your schedule work for you, and when you do, you’ll find that everything else will fall into place!

What are some of your time management, scheduling, routine recommendations?

Check out the fabulous homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!