Every year, homeschoolers around the country attend a homeschool convention of some sort. I have attended my state’s convention for the last six years. It is an exciting time because we prep for months for this very time and when it’s here we just can’t contain ourselves. Below is a list of the things I need the most to attend the homeschool convention.

Homeschool Convention Survival Pack:

  1. Rolling cart– The first year I attended the convention, I brought a backpack. My back paid for it for weeks. A rolling cart will save your life. You can put all the information packets, freebies, supplies, snacks, etc. inside of it. Instead of you carrying the weight of it, the cart does the work. These can be easily purchased at any office supplies store. If you don’t have one, get one asap.
  2. An extra sweater– Seems unnecessary, especially if your convention is in the dead heat of summer. But, they keep those convention halls very cold. Having an extra sweater will keep you comfortable so you can concentrate on the amazing exhibitors and speakers instead of keeping warm. You can always take it off if it’s too warm.
  3. Protein bars– Having a protein bar tucked in your bag will be so helpful when hunger hits. You can get very busy looking at all the wonderful supplies and listening to the amazing speakers and forget all about eating. A protein bar will help stave off hunger and keep you full of energy to keep going.
  4. Bottle of water– I have to stay hydrated. Without water, I am done. Most places will have water stations set up with free water, but I can’t risk it. Having a bottle tucked in my bag will give me reassurance that I will have hydration when I need it.
  5. Pen and a pad of paper– When I am listening to the speakers give a lecture or talk, I want to take notes. Having a pen and some paper to write on is essential. Those notes will come in handy to remember the points you thought were good enough to write down.
  6. A list with your needs– I never remember the things I need to purchase once I get to the convention. With all the pretty new curriculum screaming “buy me!” I forget my own needs for my children. Having a list ready can save you from unnecessary purchases that you may regret later on. Especially if your funds are tight. Keep a list of the exhibitors you have to visit first. Then you can do the fun stuff later.
  7. Phone charger– For some reason, those convention centers suck the life right out of a phone. I leave my children with my in-laws when I go, so I have to have a way to keep in touch. I slip my charger into my bag and in between speaking sessions or during lunch, I sit near a plug and charge my phone. Definitely a necessity.

There are a million things you could bring to the convention, but keeping it simple will keep you sane. I’ve been that person with all the stuff. Guess who has to lug it around? Me. I decided a few years ago to only bring the above items.

You will notice that I didn’t include money. Money isn’t a necessity for a convention. Some people go just to enjoy the speakers or to scope out a certain curriculum. I am going this year with very little money. It keeps me from purchasing things I don’t need.

So, the moral of the story is: only bring what’s necessary and have lots of fun.