I confess, I’m not quite ready to start planning for our next school year – of course, since we’re trying year round schooling this year and starting the second week of July, I’m going to have to think about it soon.

know some of you school year round and have already started, but others probably aren’t starting until August or September. If you’ve got a couple of months before you start your next school year, it’s not too early to get a head start on planning.

You don’t have to do any heavy-duty planning yet, but there are four simple steps that you can take right now to lay the right foundation for a great school year next year.

1. Assess. Think back over the last year and answer a few key questions:

  • What worked really well?
  • What could have gone better?
  • What needs to be tweaked?
  • What could use a complete overhaul?
  • What fell by the wayside? Of those, which ones need more focused attention this year? Which ones don’t need to be picked back up? Which ones are fun extras that you want to include to some extent?

Read the rest of the article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers