Life throws curveballs. It is inevitable. As adults we have learned to adjust and to cope with change. Children, they are unsure what to do with it. You might not see any negative reactions at first, but if the change is too much for them to bear, then they might hold it in internally, not knowing how to properly cope. How do we help our children deal with the unexpected? I suggest implementing a routine in your family structure. Not just into your homeschool schedule but into your everyday family life. When our children know that they can expect consistency in their family life, then when difficulties come their way, it will not faze them. Rather, they will find safety and security in the midst of chaos.You can show your children consistency in several ways:


If while the sailing is smooth, you begin each day with prayer and Bible reading, then when your husband loses his job or there is a death in the family, then keep the routine going. We always hear how people tend to run to God more during the difficult times but it shouldn’t be that way. We should have constant fellowship with Him regardless of our situation. Teaching your children the importance of spending time with the Lord daily will encourage them during both the good and the difficult times.


If you give your children chores while at home, keep them up while on vacation or while visiting other people’s homes. We expect our children to do their fair share of chores while at home not because we want slave labor but to teach them how to be responsible. If your children are expected to clear their places at the table after each meal, be sure they do the same while visiting other people’s homes. It will speaks volumes to them. If they are responsible for sweeping, have them offer to help sweep, or do dishes or help in any other way. When your children know and understand that life is not just about things being handed to them on a silver platter then when tough times come they are less likely apt to fall into depression but rather rise to the occasion and take care of themselves responsibly.


This is a difficult one, especially while traveling. If your child acts up while on the road, the last thing you want to do is pull over and deal with it especially when on a time crunch. But, if your child knows that you will punish them for the same thing, over and over then they will stop trying to push your buttons. It’s hard work during those younger years, (and beyond!) but children thrive in consistency especially in the area of knowing what is expected from them.


This might seem a bit out of place but trust me, it is just as important as the rest of them. As far as your marriage goes, be quick to forgive one another and make sure your kids know about it. If you

got into a schwalbe earlier in the day and you worked it out, be sure they know that you still love one another. If you spoke some harsh words to your husband at dinner time about not calling to tell you that he was going to be late, then forgive ask his forgiveness. Then, if the kids witnessed your remarks, ask them to forgive you as well. Additionally, be sure to ask for forgiveness of your kids when your attitude is less than stellar and let them know that you forgive them when they do something wrong. Forgiveness is the heartbeat of God and if your children can find comfort in a forgiving home then they are less likely to struggle with insecurity and condemnation.

The Lord has given you your family for a reason. Let it be a place of safety and love. God has not promised us that life will be perfect but He will certainly perfect us through it if we let Him.