Everybody is looking for the perfect planner and schedule. There are dozens of choices out on the market and much advice to sort through. The fact of the matter is that a homeschool schedule can change yearly or even seasonally based on the child and family’s needs.


Here are some things to keep in mind as you plan and schedule your homeschool year!

First and foremost, consider the big picture when creating your homeschool schedule. The overall peace of the household should be at the forefront. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to scheduling your days, so it’s perfectly alright for your schooling schedule to look different from everybody else.

Consider the ages of your children. A household with a napping infant or toddler will have a much different schedule than a household with older children!

What are the projected hours for doing schoolwork? When will there need to be quiet throughout the house, and how will this be accomplished if you are tight on space? How many hours will you need to school each day?

Where will learning take place? Kitchen table? Bedroom desks? Designated homeschool room? Who learns where? Try to think ahead of any potential conflicts.

Be sure to schedule in breaks! Littles will need more breaks as their attention span is shorter. Scheduled breaks will help them with predictability and ward off overstimulated melt-downs. Recesses should be planned rather than used as a reward.

What outside activities will be scheduled into the day? Doctor’s visits? Therapies? Co-ops? Sports? Field trips?

Don’t forget to schedule time for yourself! You can’t fill their cups if your vessel is empty! Depending on the season of life, your allotment will look different. With littles, try a few minutes with an audio bible and journal. A walk with praise music or a cup of your favorite tea. Team up with another mom for trading off of childcare to help you both get some scheduled time to take care of your needs.

What are some tried and true ways to create your homeschool schedule?

Check out the fabulous homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!