There are days where I wish we could just jump off the spinning world and catch up with life. The closest to that happening, is for me to put a stop to all our regular activities and spend the day catching up.

The thing is though you can’t put parenting on hold – the kids still need me. In my parenting I aim to eventually have my children mature and capable enough not to need me (not for the practical things of life). I want them to be able to handle situations on their own – to think, assess and step out and take a risk. Training towards this can start at home.

Catch up days are a great opportunity.

Catch up days are the days I want to work on my projects, on areas of responsibility that have been ignored for a while. I generally need focus time. There are times that I don’t want interruptions (though a valid and significant part of parenting ) and catch up days are one of those times. But what to do?

Read the Full Article on Live Life With Your Kids!