As the holiday excitement winds down and it’s time to settle back into the daily routine, do you feel refreshed and ready for the new semester? If I had to guess, I would say neither you nor the little ones are ready to go back. It’s been suggested that the January back-to-school is a harder transition for students and teachers, even compared to September.  Here are three tried and true ways to head back to school successfully!

#1 – Start the day with a family read aloud. For many, this may be a continuation of our Christmas break routine, but it is a great way to ease into the school day. Depending on where you live, children may feel more cooped up inside due to the weather. Reading a great book may transport them into an exciting new adventure. Whether shipwrecked on a tropical island with the Robinson family or joining the Ingalls family through the Long Winter, reading together brings families together and creates a cooperative spirit.

#2 – Integrate physical activity. Weather permitting, go sledding or head out to the trail for a long bike ride together. If outdoor activities are not an option, find ways to burn off excess energy indoors. Indoor swings are a fantastic option, or if space is limited, opt for a game that inspires physical activity like Twister or Fitivities! Another great option (with a bonus for mom!) crank up the tunes and clean the house together. For my family, dusting and disco guaranteed a lot of high-energy laughter that resulted in better living space. Find what fits your family and go after. The cleaning may not be white glove approved, but other benefits abound!

#3 – Finally, let your children guide the schedule. Do they want to do math first because it is their favorite? Great! Do it! Are they more motivated to work on 1-2 subjects, then take a snack and LEGO® break before tackling the rest of the day? That works. The important thing is to find the routine that works best for your family. And it will be different for all of us, and it is often different during different homeschool seasons. For my family, we were early risers. Not only did we like to get up early, but we also wanted to get the book work done early, so we could move onto other activities. In the winter months, our family joined a local wellness center and once the books were done, we would head to the warm pool to swim laps and simply enjoy the warmth of water play. The secret to success is to find what motivates your children and use it to keep them focused and on track!

I would love to hear your tips for winter Back to School. What works for your family? Feel free to drop me an email or leave a comment on our Facebook page and share your successes. ~ Deanne