If you are new to homeschooling, getting adjusted to this way of life and learning can be a difficult process.  Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be.  The good news is now that your kids are back under your own roof, you get to set their schedule.

As the master of the schedule, you get to choose what time is wake up time, when school starts, and when it ends.  For example, if they had trouble getting up in the morning to catch the yellow bus, it may be a good idea to look at the amount of sleep they are getting and if it is enough for their stage of development.  You are free to adjust morning start times that best fit their growth and well-being and your families needs.    I know many homeschool families who start their official school day at 8:00 am.  I know many families who don’t start until mid-to-late morning.  And even some that school in the afternoon or evenings.  Whether it’s due to preference, doctor appointments, therapies, or work schedules, it is what works best for their family.

We’ve also had some times of unique schedule arrangements in our household.  For several years my oldest, who was in high school at the time, woke up at 5:00 am to start his work.  This was due to the age range and noise level of our household.  When the chaos, a.k.a other siblings, woke up between 7:00 – 8:00 am, he was already finished with the most complicated portion of his required subjects.  Generally he would nap for an hour after breakfast and then finish up his work.  Then he’d be done with his formal schooling, stress-free and ready for our afternoon activities.  Our afternoon activities included sports, co-ops,or field trips.  It was so nice for him knowing that when we would arrive home, he was done with his day and could relax.

With setting our own schedules, we homeschooled year around for a long time.  Then one year, it just didn’t work for us anymore.  When my oldest got into high school we discovered it was easier for us to be on a fixed schedule.  So, we adjusted to this need and it worked for our family.

Because you are the master of your own schedule, you also get to choose how long subjects can take, when they are due, and whether or not you want to use the public school’s schedule, your own schedule, or school year around.  That is the best part of it!  You get to choose what works best for you!  No two homeschools will look alike and no two years of homeschooling will look alike either!  So relax, and do what is best for your own homeschool family!

Check out homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!