Every January, I always like to take time to really think about what works and what doesn’t work in my daily life. This is for all aspects of my life including homemaking, homeschooling, morning routine, etc. It actually helps me to stay focused on my biggest priorities and get rid of all the other junk in my life.

Below is an example of a typical week for me. This “schedule” is tentative and can always change but I like to have a template of what my week will look like.

My Weekly Schedule:

  • Sunday- church and rest. I like to focus on doing things as a family and not going out and about. Sometimes it is inevitable but we try hard to stay home. I also prepare for the week on Sunday nights. I get all of our homeschooling materials ready and out for the next day. We spend a lot of time just being together.
  • Monday- wake at 6:30am. Read Bible and pray. Boys wake up at 7am. We do breakfast, clean up, and morning chores. School starts at 8:30am. We finish up by noon. We eat lunch and clean up. I do laundry on Monday afternoons. The boys all play outside or read. Dinner at 6ish. Bed at 8pm.
  • Tuesday- exact same as Monday. We don’t leave the house on Mondays or Tuesdays if we can help it. This has kept us focused on being content at home.
  • Wednesday- Mornings are the same but in the afternoon we prepare for church. Sometimes we eat dinner at church and sometimes we eat at home. Either way, church starts at 6:30pm. It ends at 8:30pm. We come home and bed is 9:15pm.
  • Thursday- Co-op day! Mornings are the same as before (boring!). But, we leave our house by 1:30pm for co-op. This time varies as some weeks our field trips are far or require us going out in the morning. Most of the time they are at 2pm. We go to co-op and come back home by 4:30pm. Dinner at 6ish and bed at 8pm.
  • Friday- wake at 6:30am. Read Bible and pray. Boys wake up at 7am. We eat breakfast and then go pick up groceries at 9am. We don’t do school on Fridays since we school all year round.I order online and pick up at the store. We have one stop on the way home at a different store that has sales. We are home by 10:15am. We unload groceries and put them away. This is our “big chore day”. We do everything from cleaning bathrooms to vacuuming to washing windows. We do this every single Friday. We finish by noon and then have a nice big lunch. We deserve it! I give my boys the rest of the afternoon as free time. This is also the time they get for video games and electronics. They earn their time by helping me around the house, doing chores, not bickering, etc. My boys play basketball and have practice from 6-8pm on Fridays. As soon as we get home, they get cleaned up and go to bed by 9pm.
  • Saturday- sleep in. I am usually up by 7am though and do my Bible reading and praying. It’s quiet still. Depending on what time the basketball games are, everyone else sleeps in too. We get up, get breakfast, and head out to basketball games. These are usually one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This schedule only lasts 3 months out of the year, so we don’t mind so much. We are home by 4pm. Dinner is usually something simple. They get cleaned up and I allow them to stay up until 8:30pm.

As you can see, we work hard during the week so we don’t have to on the weekends. I despised doing chores on Saturdays when I was growing up. My one day off and I had to clean all day long. Since we are able to take off from school every Friday, we do chores then so Saturdays can be for basketball or family time (depending on the season). Since we are in a season on doing basketball on Saturdays, we stay home from Sunday afternoons until Wednesday afternoons. This alleviates so much running around and busyness.

This is just a glimpse into my schedule. Whether you have a similar one or not, it’s always good to re-evaluate it once in a while to keep your priorities in check. It truly has helped me stay focused on what truly matters in life.