I know I did a post about my homeschool schedule at the beginning of the year. There have been a few modifications since September and I wanted to share them with you. It’s not a lot but some things didn’t work and then we found a rhythm to our day.


We are still using Masterbooks for math. My two older boys are on levels three and four. My youngest son will start level one in the next month.

Language Arts

We began the year using a Charlotte Mason style language arts book. My children truly disliked it. I did some research and found that Masterbooks has a language arts program as well. I ordered it and they love it. My two older boys are on levels two and three. My youngest son does 100 Easy Lessons for his reading program for now.


We are still using Exploring Nature With Children and doing nature journals each week. We don’t do science every day but try to get in a couple of lessons per week.


We’ve been reading about the Revolutionary War. My boys chose that subject. I happened upon some books by Jean Fritz about the different people in history from that time period. We’ve flown through five books so far and have about three more to go in this series (it’s not really a series but just books written by Jean Fritz). Some are available on rainbowresource.com.

Those are the core subjects that we do each week. Math, language arts, and history are done daily. History is just reading aloud parts of a book. Math and language arts are written work. We also do art (we are currently studying chalk pastels), poetry, character training, Bible lessons (we choose a book of the Bible to read and go through it one chapter a day), and lots more electives.

The changes this year have made a great impact in our homeschool. My children are enjoying their lessons a lot more and it’s less stressful for me. We read TONS of books (so far this year we’ve read 57 books and that’s not including the audio books and little books here and there). It’s our favorite thing to do as a family.

Have you made any changes to your homeschool this year? If so, what are they and why did you make the change?