Now that things have changed a bit in our world, many Homeschool Conventions will be moving to an online platform. Though you’ll miss out on the in-person camaraderie and meeting new faces, attending a conference virtually is still a valuable experience!

Spending time, even online, with other homeschool speakers can be encouraging, insightful and uplifting. Whether you’re an unschooler, classical, traditional, or eclectic schooler you’ll certainly find a presenter that speaks to your homeschooling needs. Most conventions host a variety of speakers from different backgrounds and different educational philosophies. 

But what do you do if the speakers don’t fit your point of view? Throughout the years, I have enjoyed listening to speakers with different viewpoints than my own. Why? Because I can learn something new! Do you want to learn something new? Sure you do! We all want to continue to learn! It’s always good to broaden your horizons. You don’t have to wholeheartedly agree with something or someone to come away with a little bit of useful information or encouragement for your household.

Equally as important, attending a virtual homeschool conference gives you a much-needed breather. Getting any downtime as a homeschool mom can be difficult! What a great way to relax and reevaluate what’s working and what’s not. This is a great time to learn about new resources available to you to help you meet your homeschool goals or just to help you maintain your sanity. 

The Bible is clear about why we should meet together. “Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25.

Even though we cannot meet together in person, technology has made a way for us to gather, hear an encouraging word, and be strengthened. So, if you have a chance to attend a virtual conference, by all means, make it a priority! 

Check out these great homeschool items at Rainbow Resource Center!