I know Halloween can be a controversial topic among Christians. I just want to start out by saying, this is my family’s convictions. This does not mean you have to feel the same way as us or do as we do. This is where the Lord has led us and it in no way means that what you are doing is wrong.

For years my family celebrated Halloween like everyone else. We bought costumes for our children. We dressed up and went trick or treating. We participated in our church’s annual Harvest Festival. We went to Halloween parties and went to little festivals all around. But about two years ago we felt a little funny about it all.

My husband came to me one day and said “what are we doing?” I didn’t know what he meant so he explained that he felt led to not participate in anything related to Halloween anymore. I asked if he’d prayed about it and he said yes. I told him I would pray about it also. As soon as I started praying about it God really made it clear that He no longer wanted us to take part in that holiday.

I was a little disappointed because my kids looked so cute all dressed up and ready to go trick or treating each year. So, we sat our children down and talked to them about what God had been leading us to do regarding Halloween. They were a little bummed but not much. They understood (and still do) our reasons why and we pointed out some Bible verses to guide them through this transition.

It hasn’t been easy these past couple of years. We have watched family and friends participate and get lots of candy and have fun at the Harvest Festivals. But we’ve also been a good witness to others by following what the Lord has led us to do. We have been obedient to Him. Being obedient to God is not always easy. It can be very hard, especially for children. Mind you, my children are very okay with not celebrating Halloween. But they do still want the candy!

Our desire to is glorify Christ in all we do. For us, Halloween does not glorify Christ in any way. It’s roots are deep in the occult and evil. There is nothing wrong with dressing up and getting candy. But, how much are we willing to surrender for some fun and games? We have to ask if what we are doing is honoring Christ.

We, as Christians, are called to be in the world, not of the world. Halloween is a very worldly idea. Ephesians 5:11 tells us, “Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness..” 2 Corinithians 6:14-18 speaks a lot about this as well. We are not to be involved in evil or darkness. No matter how fun it looks, it is fruitless. I know a lot of people who hand out tracts and such on Halloween. That is an amazing way to reach others for the Gospel. We choose to not even participate at all.

On Halloween, our church has a family night. No costumes. No dressing up of any kind. No trunk or treating. No talk of Halloween. It is a family night for those of us who wish to not get involved in the holiday. There is a short message and games and food. We choose to spend our time there instead of trick or treating or haunted houses.

I have always felt kind of strange about church’s doing Harvest Festivals. They are usually really cute and help serve the community. But children show up looking like zombies and monsters and murdered people. My children have been more than terrified a few times.

I have very sensitive children when it comes to scary things. Halloween scares me as an adult. My job is to shield and protect them from evil and darkness. It’s also my job to prepare them for their future. We talk about the things that happen during this time of year. We discuss the evil intentions of some people in the world. Sin and Satan are in this world and it’s my job to prepare my children for heaven one day.

We choose to go to pumpkin patches and apple orchards. We read books about those things as well. We make all the pumpkin desserts that we can and share them with others. Instead of taking part in the Halloween festivities, we celebrate what God has done in our lives by giving to others.

Like I said at the beginning of this article, this is what God has led my family to do. No matter whether you do celebrate Halloween and go all out or you just go to Harvest Festivals, pray about it. Seek God’s will. It may surprise you what He will lead you to do.