Each summer, thousands of churches participate in vacation bible school. There are many volunteers and many hours of planning. There are hundreds of different themes to choose from. So much preparation goes into this one program because….children.

Jesus said “let the little children come unto me” (Matthew 19:14). Teaching children about Jesus is absolutely important and very rewarding. I know a lot of folks don’t participate and find VBS to be unbiblical (not sure on what basis but I have heard this from others). My experience has been nothing but great.

When my oldest son started attending a VBS at my sister’s church a few years ago, I was skeptical about leaving him there. So I stayed and watched each night. Yup, I was that mother. But, he was my first child and I was a tiny bit overprotective. I witnessed children coming to know the Lord and singing songs of praise for Him. My son had a truly amazing time.

Since we had such a good experience with that VBS, I decided that I would volunteer at the one my home church was putting together. They always need volunteers and so I put my name down. I had no idea what to expect as a volunteer. I was put in charge of the 1st and 2nd grade class.

I ended up with a large class and it was very exciting. My class consisted of two of my own children, a set of triplets, a little deaf girl (with no interpreter), and a bunch of other sweet children. That week changed my life. That little deaf girl was scared to death that first day…and frankly, so was I. I don’t know sign language and she couldn’t read lips or read words. We could not communicate with any normalcy. But, we got through it and she hugged me so much that week.

I teach VBS because it changes lives. Some of the children who come to VBS never attend church ever again during the year. They may never hear the Gospel at home. Giving them the hope of Jesus gives them a future. Teaching VBS also changes the volunteers. I have seen so many of the teenagers and adults come out of their shells. I’ve seen them love on children and nurture them. It is truly a blessing to witness the bonds being made throughout the week.

If you are on the fence about having your child participate or even volunteering for VBS, do some research on the program. Find out what program the church is using. Ask questions. The planners are glad to answer any questions. And if you really want to see how things work, just stay and observe. We don’t mind at all. There may be a message just for you in the lessons for the children. I know I have personally learned a lot from teaching VBS.