The adrenaline tends to keep me going around the holidays. Dreary weather can’t get me down because my eyes are focused on what is ahead. The fun, family, baking and celebration of the Jesus’ birth. I keep the kids busy during these months, right into the new year. Whether the kids are working on homemade gifts or baking for an upcoming party, there is always something to keep them busy.

Enter, the New Year. Our dear friend, Winter. The anticipation of what the holidays hold is over. The decorations are coming down and we now get back into the swing of things. This is usually the time of year when my kids get antsy, simply because the weather doesn’t always allow them to enjoy their favorite outdoor activities such as biking, fishing and target practice. The way that I remedy this takes a bit of planning. Planning, that when done right, will result in happy, busy, children.


Kitchen table creativity

When I do my weekly grocery shopping, I’ll add to my list a few extra surprises. The ingredients for a grow your own crystals project. Some extra rice for an easy stress ball craft, (instructional video found here) or the materials for them to make their own thank you cards for all their Christmas gifts. After their traditional work is over, on the days when outdoor activities aren’t practical, these creativity ideas will keep their minds off the weather!


Pack them up and out

This is the time of year I plan and schedule certain indoor activities that are a special treat. I prefer to pick activities that we don’t participate in on a regular basis. Indoor rollerskating at a roller rink is an activity my kids do monthly but in the dull, dreary winter months we try other activities. Here is a list of entertaining, indoor activities to plan.

  • Ice skating
  • bowling
  • Trampoline park
  • Museum
  • Planetarium


Family Down Time

When the daily school work is completed, set aside an hour to be creative, on the cheap, as a family. When the weather is crazy cold and the kids need an expressive outlet I let them transform the dining room into the fort of their dreams. Blankets, pillows, the whole nine yards. To top it off, I’ll grab some popcorn or their favorite snack for them to munch on inside their creation. Other inexpensive ideas to entertain include:

You don’t need to dread or fear those days you can’t enjoy the usual outdoor activities. With a little creativity and planning, you can breeze through the winter in a fun and enjoyable way!