Have you figured it out yet?  Summer is here! For many people, homeschoolers or not, that means kids with a lot of extra time on their hands.

Time to whine or time to have fun.
Time to get in trouble or time to be productive.
Time to regress in learning or time to learn something new.
Time to follow mom around or time to make new friends.

What time are you going to choose for your kids?

And I do mean YOU!  Because, let’s face it, if left to their own accord, most of our kids would naturally choose to sit on the couch and veg or follow us around complaining they are bored.


So how can you beat the system?

Here’s what we do at our house:

Give them options ahead of time.  Now is the time to be proactive.  Sit down and make a list (a L-O-N-G list) about the choices they have.

Once you have a list made, make it visually pleasing.  The more excited you are, the more excited they will be.

Then sit down as a family and discuss the list of options.  Remember, this is not a punishment.  It is a list of ideas to get them thinking.  Often times, those sweet kids of ours just go into zombie mode and forget to think.  They may just need a fresh idea or a little push in the right direction.

No, they are not limited to the list.  But in our family, you can come up with your own idea, find something on the list that interests you, or ask mom and dad what job they have for you since you cannot find anything else to do that interests you.

Works like a charm!

Summer Activities