Whether you’re an unschooler, classical, traditional, or eclectic schooler, you’ll find spending time at your local convention to be encouraging, insightful, and uplifting!  If you haven’t been to one or are on the fence about attending, here are some reasons why you should go.

Go for the speakers.  Want to learn something new, receive encouragement, or direction?  Most conventions host a variety of speakers from different backgrounds and different educational philosophies.  So, there’s something for everyone.  But what do you do if the speakers don’t fit your “frame”?  In recent years, I have enjoyed listening to speakers with different viewpoints than my own.  Why you ask?  Because, I believe there is always a nugget of wisdom to be found in listening to a variety of methods, ways, and beliefs.  You don’t have to wholeheartedly agree with something to come away with a little bit of useful information or encouragement that what you are doing is the right thing for your household.

Go for the camaraderie.  There’s nothing better than flocking with birds of a feather!  Fellowship with other homeschool moms when there’s nothing to concentrate on except the task at hand is wonderfully refreshing!  Plus you’ll get to meet new faces and make new friends!  This is also a great time to bring your spouse and any naysayers in your family.  Seeing the amount of homeschool families represented, plus the resources available to the homeschooling population may help squash any further negative comments or reservations.

Go for the vending hall. Grab your list of dream curriculum and make your way through the aisles of booths.  Take your time pouring over the curriculum and enjoy the hands-on experience!  Ask all the questions you desire and get real-time answers.  As a bonus, many publishers offer on-site discounts and free shipping!

Go for the breather.  Getting downtime as a homeschool mom can be difficult.  What a great way just to take a breath, reevaluate what’s working and what’s not.  This is a great time to also reach out to veteran homeschool moms for help and encouragement.

Most of all, just go!