Got the winter blues? Cold weather and shorter days can lead to unhealthy habits such as overeating, spending too much time online, or oversleeping.
If you want to combat these bad behaviors, it is good to have some fun ideas to choose from. Here is a suggested list of some family-fun outdoor winter activities:
- Downhill or cross-country skiing.
- Ice skating either at an outdoor rink or well frozen over pond.
- Sled ridding or snow tubing at a local park or backyard. Have a sled pulling competition. Who’s the fastest?
- Build a snowman, a snow animal, or a snow village. Who can make the best dressed snowman? Have fun and make it a sculpting competition.
- Construct a snow fort. For the advanced, pattern the fort after a famous building.
- Have a snowball fight. Who can make the biggest? The best? Throw the farthest? Add targets. Who has the most accurate throw?
- Venture out on a winter hike. Take pictures and revisit the same area in the spring, summer, and fall. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences.
- If you live near a well frozen over lake, try ice fishing.
- Look up the constellations in your area and go star gazing.
- Find out where the elderly or physical needy live, and shovel their driveway and sidewalks.
- For the adventurous, as a family go winter camping and learn survival skills.
- Host your own Winter Olympics complete with hula hoops, sleds, and plenty of hot cocoa.
- Make a trail of bird seed and carrots in your yard for your favorite furry creatures to enjoy.
- Make snow angels
- Go on a photo scavenger hunt hike by making a list of items to seek out. If you want a competitive edge on the fun, vote on the photos at the end and award a prize to the winner.
- Create snow art with squirt bottles filled with food coloring and water. The snow is your clean pallet!
So the short days of winter don’t have to make you and your family feel blue! Just chose an activity or two and enjoy the fun and comradery of doing something new.
What are your favorite outdoor activities to do during the winter?
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