In record numbers,  children and teens are online for a staggering amount of time each day. Whether is “quarantine schooling” or just connecting with friends, the internet has become a bridge and lifeline for many. Now more than ever, the need to have scheduled downtime isn’t just a good thing to do, it’s a necessity!

The more time online, the less time spent on things like movement, exercise, proper nutrition, and rest. Simple pleasure such as conversation and reading for enjoyment also suffer. After spending so much time online, it’s difficult to find the time to run and play. Many people suffer from headaches from excessive online activity. This makes it difficult to socialize or read for enjoyment! Furthermore, when you’re tired and headachy the last thing you want to do is cook a good meal. You grab whatever is convenient. And most of the time, convenience does not equal healthy!

I would strongly suggest building in mandatory break times where electronic devices are prohibited for a set length of time. This will help your children put balance back into life the way God intended for maximum health physically and emotionally.

Here are some suggestions for things to do instead of being online:

Make a list of things to do instead of being online. Print it out and refer to it as often as needed.

Play with your pet

Lay in the sun

Keep a daily diary or journal of this historic time. Your thoughts, feelings, and happenings

Play charades with a parent or sibling

Play outside

Write your life’s story

Go for a walk

Clean your closet


Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time

Paint something

Write a song


Plant a garden

Make a bucket list


Play a board game

Cook or bake

Play cards

Take pictures

Feed the birds

Do scientific experiments

Grow herbs

Write a letter

Make birthday cards

Clean your room

Clean the garage


By checking off your “offline bucket list” you not only get away from the screen, but, also help your body and mind relax, reflect, and refuel the way God intended!

Check out these fun games at Rainbow Resource Center!