Inspiring families to create healthy habits together, Saturday Sept. 28th is designated National Family Health and Fitness Day. Stay with me here! My goal in this article is to be guilt-and badger-free! In order to be successful with this goal, I invite you to consider the keys of becoming a healthy family through Rainbow Resource Center’s FAMILY factors! If you are unfamiliar with our FAMILY Way philosophy, watch an overview here.

F-Faith and Philosophy

So much has been written about the impact of faith on our health that it goes beyond the scope of today’s article. Determining your family’s philosophy is a two-fold process which requires staying familiar with the ever-changing research and selecting the best option for your family. Every family has unique needs, but there are some things that are non-negotiable like daily exercise, eating well and drinking water. Beyond these, pursuit of health and fitness is as unique as your family.


Choosing the best food and exercise plan is akin to choosing the best curriculum! Most health coaches, bloggers and even friends will endorse their style or method as the best. While there is some common wisdom, the individual needs of our children and family take precedence.

First, let’s consider nutritional needs. Are food allergies a concern? Is there a family history of heart problems or diabetes? Adjust your diet and exercise accordingly. In a previous article, I shared my toddler’s compulsive eating of non-food materials (quilt and plush toy stuffing). Beginning gradually, within a few weeks, we realized there was an issue when entire toys were devoid of stuffing. Blood tests revealed she was severely anemic. Parents know their children best. Be alert to the signs that are unusual for your child. Partner with your pediatrician to meet your child’s needs.

Common wisdom for healthy living includes eating things like fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting sugar and sugary drinks. Learn about general nutrition guidelines here. Meeting your family’s nutritional needs is a personal journey based on individual needs, research and the seasons of life. As the weather changes and the cold-flu season invades, immune boosting foods are beneficial for staying healthy. Blueberries, oranges, eggs, yogurt, and sourdough bread are just a few to start! Learn more here.

The second consideration is fitness. It’s much more than an exercise class or organized sports! Current research encourages 3 categories of physical fitness for all ages: bone strength, muscle strength and aerobic exercise. Bone strengthening activities cause our bones to bear more weight than normal and include running, jumping, and gymnastics. Check out this brief explanation from Mayo Clinic. Muscle strengthening exercises build muscles and support bone strength. Weight lifting is usually our first thought when we want to strengthen muscles. In general, this is recommended to start with teens, usually after puberty. Tree climbing, monkey bars, and bicycling are excellent muscle strengthening activities for younger children! Aerobic exercises are sustained, energetic activities that strengthen heart and lungs. For many, this is a normal part of childhood: running, jogging, swimming, bike riding, etc.

Research can be a great guide, but as a parent, take time to create a fitness plan tailored to your family. What will this look like? Nature walks, tree climbing, joining a sport’s team, riding a bicycle, swimming swim, raking leaves, shoveling snow…well you get the idea! Children should move 60 minutes per day (and yes, this includes our fidgety learner climbing over the couch during read-aloud time!)


For many, this may be the biggest FAMILY consideration. Many fitness activities are available for free or a minimal investment. Interested in muscle strengthening? Use body-resistance exercises or canned goods for light weights. Push ups, planks, stair stepping are all free, effective muscle strengthening exercises! As finances allow, join a homeschool gym program, organized sports or local fitness center. Outdoor activities, dancing in the living room or YouTube® options abound for (mostly) free fitness activities.

Healthy eating often presents the greatest financial challenge. It can be done! In-season fruits and vegetables from local farmer markets, a CSA, home-cooked meals, stocking up with sales, and couponing are a few budget-friendly ideas. Looking for more? Money Saving Mom’s blog is filled with suggestions.


Herein lies the heart of our FAMILY acronym: your individual family unit. Every family has unique factors: food allergies, illness, or genetics. This would also include individual experiences like brain fog, finicky eaters, or any trigger foods. Individual experiences will vary. For my family, eating too many bread products caused brain fog in some, while foods/drinks with artificial dyes led to runny nose and eyes. Observe your children. Notice patterns and work with your physician to create a custom health plan. Be confident in your parental instincts!


What does a healthy lifestyle look like for your family? At this season of your lives? Parents of infants and toddlers may need to be creative in planning physical activities for older children. If available, enlist your spouse’s help. Basketball, swimming, or a jog through the park with a parent creates lasting memories and lifetime bonds. The 60-minute per day recommendation may not work at every life stage. If you are new to fitness, set a goal of 20 minutes and add on weekly until you reach 60! With a little planning, success will follow.


Normally, at this point of the FAMILY acronym, we consider what YOU need to be successful. With an eye on family health and fitness, let’s focus on the plural form of you! Join your children in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Not sure where to start? Mayo Clinic Children’s Health and Youth Physical Activity Guidelines offer general guidance to get started! Prioritizing your family’s health and fitness is a win-win through improved physical and emotional health, while creating deeper family bonds and memories.

Thank you for joining us this month. It is my hope you are encouraged to be find your FAMILY’s path to health and fitness!




000953                Home School Family Fitness (K-AD)

065567                Fitivities Game (1-AD)

031583                Movez – Game That Gets Kids Moving! (K-AD)/031584 Movez – Pick n Roll (K-AD)

047987                Spikeball Standard 3-Ball Kit (3-AD)

058747                303 Kid-Approved Exercises and Active Games

058748                303 PK-Approved Exercises & Active Games

058749                303 Tween-Approved Exercises and Active Games

025097                Food and Nutrition for Every Kid (gr. 3-7)

005572                Physical Education & Nutrition Workbook & DVD