This year my family started a whole new adventure. Upward Basketball. My two oldest boys (10 and 8) are on the same team and they have had so much fun. We have never done any kind of sports with our boys and they practiced hard last summer so they could join a team. We decided to do Upward Basketball because it is a Christian organization. We do not regret it but there have been some bumps along the way.

My boys have only won one game all season. Yup. One game. They are a good team but some of the teams have some all stars on them and more talent. Nothing wrong with that but it’s hard for kids to understand sometimes. They have had to learn to lose with a good heart.

As the season has progressed, I have watched every single game including games my kids weren’t playing in as well. Although Upward is a Christian organization they invite the entire community to join a team. Some of the children and families are not Christians. We’ve seen some very unkind things and had some very interesting talks about that behavior.

We have seen children behaving in such a way that it made me physically sick. Our coaches call it “showboating” and it’s poor sportsmanship. Even when the other children were winning they were being “sore winners”. I am so proud of my boys and their teammates. They never once did any of those things. Their coaches have truly been a reflection of Jesus. Always pointing back to God and what He would do in every situation.

Teaching my children to be a good sport about all things in life is very important to me. I never have been a good sport. I take things very personally and to heart. The way I am teaching them to be better is by behaving in the way I want them to behave. I try to be calm and loving toward others.

Although my boys have lost a lot this year on their basketball team, they have come out winners in the end. They have actually been complimented on how well they behave during the games. Even when other coaches, refs, and students are behaving in an ungodly manner, they have kept their heads high and encouraged each other.

I say all of this to tell you to teach your children how to win AND lose with dignity and good sportsmanship. Teach them to be a reflection of Jesus and how to show love to others in every situation. Playing sports is hard on kids but it doesn’t have to be. It can be fun and lighthearted. It can be what you make it. Encouraging children in their daily walk with Jesus is the most important thing we can do as parents.