St. Patrick’s Day is coming! It seems like everyone, Irish or not, celebrates this day in one form or another. But, do you know the origins of this holiday?

There are many accounts of Saint Patrick and what he did. From my research, Patrick was abducted from Britain as a teenager and brought to Ireland as a slave. After escaping many years later, he returned to Ireland to bring Christianity and the message of the Gospel to the Irish. He also planted over 400 churches during his lifetime!

Originally, St. Patrick’s Day started as a religious celebration in the 17th century to celebrate the life of Saint Patrick and his contribution in bringing Christianity to Ireland. This religious feast day usually took place on the believed anniversary of Patrick’s death, March 17, 461 A.D.

Interestingly, the first mass celebration and parades did not start in Ireland! The first parades started in the 1700’s in Boston and New York City! Nowadays, there’s everything imaginable to this celebration from green bagels, leprechaun hats, and even green rivers!

But how best to honor this missionary to Ireland?

By going back to the basics of the trinity! The shamrock represent the Christian Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Have your children trace and cut out shamrocks onto green paper. Label each leaf with the appropriate part of the Trinity, “Father” on the top leaf, “Son” on the left side and “Holy Spirit” on the right side. Take it a step further and on the back write ways you can share the gospel with those around you.

In the spirit of celebration, hold a traditional Irish dinner with such food items as Shepherd’s Pie, Beef Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage, and Irish Soda Bread. If you have a particularly picky bunch, anything colored green will do!

As you are gathered around the table, choose a good book about the life of Saint Patrick to read aloud and discuss.

Some ideas include:

Patrick of Ireland: The Boy who Forgave by K.C. Murdarasi

Patrick of Ireland: His Life and Impact by Michael A.G. Haykin

St. Patrick’s Day by Gail Gibbons.

In this way you forgo the overindulgence of alcohol and revelry and focus as a family on celebrating the life of a truly remarkable man who ministered and helped those that wanted to keep him captive!

Check out other holiday resources at Rainbow Resource Center!