I have never read through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Our Pastor, about a month ago, asked if we had ever done this. I sat in my chair listening to his sermon thinking about all the reasons why it was impossible for me to even consider it. He went on to talk about all of the benefits of doing so and the wonderful blessings that would come from it. Still, I sat there with my many excuses and didn’t give it another thought until about a week ago.

God has been doing a work in my heart. He has been healing deep things that I thought were healed long ago. He has been giving me courage and strength beyond what I thought I was capable of. He has also given me some very tough challenges and tasks. The things He is asking me to do are for His kingdom and to bring Him glory. I don’t say this to boast or make it sound like I am “holier than thou”.

I had one of the toughest years of my life in 2021. Not only because of the pandemic and political unrest in our nation, but personal relationships were broken and certain events caused me to feel far from God. I began an amazing Bible study with my Pastor’s wife and she counseled me through some very difficult and dark times. God renewed and reconciled some close relationships and I have committed to do what He has called me to do…no matter how hard it may seem.

I have been deep in prayer and reading my Bible each day. I gave up social media of all kinds and am focused more on God and my family. This has given me more time to read God’s Word. I am taking the plunge and reading my Bible in a year. I have an app on my phone (Blue Letter Bible) and it has Bible reading plans for one year. It’s very easy to use and I can take it with me everywhere (not that I couldn’t take my regular Bible as well but this is just easier).

This challenge to read the Bible in one year has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. I always had excuses and reasons why I couldn’t or other things I needed to do instead. God has freed me from some of those other “distractions” and I have prioritized this call to read the entire Bible. I can’t wait to read the parts I have never read before and to reread the parts I’ve read a thousand times with a renewed spirit.

If you have ever done this, how long did it take you? If you have never done it, would you take the challenge now? Reading God’s Word should never feel like a chore and just one more thing to do in your day. I used to feel this way but after much prayer and God changing my attitude and heart, it is my first priority and I actually enjoy it very much. It is chock full of amazing testimonies, adventures, and Jesus, our loving Saviour, is the main character. Can’t get better than that!