It’s summer and you hear those dreaded words, “It’s too hot AND I’m bored.”  Instead of turning to the TV or resorting to the screen, why not encourage some indoor fun?  Here are some of the fun indoor activities we’ve done to combat the “too hot and bored” monster without caving to the internet.  Most of them are low cost or free!

Here is a suggested list of some family-fun indoor summer activities:

  • Try something new!

Without spending a long time on the web, look up how to knit, crochet, set a table properly,          cook a foreign food, or use a special art technique.  This is also a good time to learn how to do a           minor home or car repair.  Just don’t spend all your time online.

  • Take it inside!

Visit the movie theater, art or science museum, library, roller skating rink, rock climbing business, or trampoline park.  Don’t forget to sign up for your local library’s summer reading    program or visit bookstores to partake in theirs.  Pick a book series you’ve been wanting to dive            into and read away!  Many books are also available on Kindle and e-reader apps.

  • Get involved!

Help your elderly neighbors clear clutter from their house or garage, help paint homes for those   in need, volunteer at a local food bank, or, give your own home a fresh coat of paint.

  • Get moving!

Set a goal or a challenge and see who can reach it first!  10,000 steps a day indoors! Who can do the most crunches, sit-ups or crab crawl the longest?

5)  Work on team work!

Research and prepare a special meal together, have a board game tournament, a karaoke party, a   camp out in the living room complete with s’mores, or organize the bookshelves by theme, size,             or color.  Get the whole family involved!

  • Clean it up!

Time to clean and purge the closets, under the beds, the pantry for expired items, the garage and all those piles of paper.  Make this a great time to organize and tag items for a garage sale.  Use        the proceeds to do something family oriented over the summer to make some new memories.

No matter what you choose to do, do it as a family.  No doubt you’ll have a great time and make precious memories that will last a lifetime.  Just stay inside and do it!

What are some of your family’s great inside activities?

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