The month of May can be bittersweet in the homeschooling world. Where I live, May is when things are wrapping up and coming to a close. Other parts of the country still have a good full month to go! Then, there are those of us who school year-round, so the “end-of-the-year” jitters don’t phase us. Either way, May is exciting thanks to new blooms, the celebration of mom, and Memorial Day picnics galore. To help keep your child motivated this May, here are some inspirational, fun, and thoughtful writing prompts for them to explore!

You are given three flower seeds. You can plant them anywhere in the world. Where would you plant them and why?

It has been raining for thirteen days straight. The rain has finally let up. You open the front door and…

Two rabbits leave their burrow one day and can’t find their way home. Share their adventures together. How do they eventually make it home? Do they encounter any dangers? Use personification.

You wake up one morning and realize that it is backwards day. How does your day play out?

Your mom is awesome. Write a thank you poem for her for Mother’s Day. Make it funny or make it sweet. It’s up to  you, you’re the author!

My spring break was amazing because…

You and your friend build a hideout. Where is it? How is it built?

A bear wakes up from hibernating all winter. What happens next? (Use personification to tell a silly story).  

The flowers in your garden refuse to grow this year.  What do you do to remedy this?

There is a stream in your backyard. One day you go and explore it, what do you find? (Share 5-7 things).

Every Memorial Day weekend we….