Homeschooling doesn’t keep us in our homes 24/7. We usually get out at least 4 days a week. But, right now, during a quarantine, we are finding it harder to get out. We try to get outside for several hours a day when weather allows. Coming up with ideas can be a challenge right now. Below, I will share what we’ve been doing as well as activities we usually do during normal circumstances.

Ideas to keep physically active:

  1. Go for a bike ride daily- we try to go for a bike ride as a family every day. It’s usually after dinner. We live in a small neighborhood and can do a bike ride around it in less than half an hour. We can normally take our bikes to different places around our town. It’s so much fun to explore the town by bicycle.
  2. Walk the dog daily- my children and I take our dog for a walk twice daily. We live across the street from an elementary school (which is currently closed). We walk to the school parking lot and back. It’s a nice 15 minute walk and gets our dog a little exercise as well.
  3. Hike at state parks- we live within an hour’s drive of several state parks. We love hiking the trails at each one. They are all different terrain and scenery. We can still hike these parks (even now under quarantine orders). Hiking is great exercise and gets you out in nature as well.
  4. Play games in the yard- I have all boys and they love any game with a ball. We spend hours playing football, soccer, baseball, and basketball. We even have golf clubs and balls for leisurely playing. We just got a ladder ball game and put it together. It’s a lot of fun.
  5. Clean and organize a room- sounds boring, I know. But, cleaning and organizing a room can make you break a sweat. I have been doing one room a week at my house. My boys and I (and my husband when he isn’t working) have gotten lots of exercise just by cleaning up rooms we’ve been meaning to get to for a long time.
  6. Yard work- if you have a yard, doing yard work is very physically involved. Mowing the lawn (push mower), raking leaves, picking up sticks, gardening, etc. is good for the soul. We all love being outdoors together and working on making our yard look nice.
  7. Dance party- put on some good worship music and have a dance party in the living room with your family. It’s such fun to show off some silly moves to your children and see what they have as well. It also adds laughter to your day. Make sure to video record some of it. What fun it will be to watch later on and laugh at the silliness of it.


No matter how you want to get active, just do something. Being sedentary is never good for anyone. There is no need to be constantly moving but doing one or two activities a day to get your body moving will help with circulation, bodily functions, mental wellness, and muscular movement. If you aren’t used to being very active, start with a simple walk. Enjoy the nature around you. Listen to the sound of the birds and the smell of fresh air.